Global IME Bank Ltd. Gaidakot Branchis located at Bijaya Chowk, Gaidakot Municipality. The contact number of Global IME Bank Ltd. Damak Branch is +977 078-503047,078-501155 and contact number of the branch manager is 9802261136 Other details of the branch is as follows:
Global IME Bank Ltd. Gaidakot Branch Details
Bank Name
Global IME Bank Ltd.
Branch Name
Gaidakot Branch
Bijaya Chowk, Gaidakot Municipality,
Manager Name:
Mr. Kishan Shrestha
Phone No.
+977 078-503047,078-501155
Manager’s Contact Number
Email Address
Banking hour of Global IME Bank Ltd., Gaidakot Branch
Global IME Bank’s banking hours are designed to provide customers with the flexibility to bank at their convenience. Besides regular banking hour, the bank offers extended evening counter hours beyond normal timing. You can use Global Smart Plus via app or PC for all-round banking.