Kumari Bank limited Interest Rate

Kumari Bank Limited Interest Rate

Kumari Bank Limited Interest Rate for the Month of Chaitra 2080

Kumari Bank Limited Interest Rate has been published for deposit and loan products effective from 1st Chaitra 2080.  The Kumari  Bank limited will pay  maximum 5.76% saving accounts product. Furthermore, depositors can get 7.51% on Fixed Deposit Account 1 year and above deposits. 

Kumari Bank Limited Base Rate for the month of Chaitra 2080

Base Interest Rate for the month of Chaitra 2080 is 9.74%. Likewise, Rolling Average Base Rate (Poush to Falgun 2080) is 10.01%.

Kumari Bank Limited Interest Rate on Saving Accounts

Account TypesMinimum Balance (NPR)% Per Annum
Kumari Smart Bachat Khata1,000.003.76
Shareholders Saving Account1,000.003.76
Twinkle Star Saving1,000.003.76
Shuva Laxmi Bachat1,000.003.76
50 Plus Savings1,000.003.76
Kumari Swastha Jeevan Bachat Khata5,000.003.76
Kumari Utsav Bachat Khata1,000.003.76
Kumari Salary Saving3.76
Kumari Social Security Allowance Khata–  3.76
Kumari Remit Bachat Khata3.76
Kumari Remit IPO Saving Account1,000.004.76
Kumari Remit Premium Saving Account5,000.007.1
Nagarik Bachat Khata5003.76
Sabaiko Bachat Khata5003.76
Grameen Bachat Khata3.76
Kumari Pariwar Surakchya Bachat Khata10,000.003.76
Youth Saving Account5003.76
Kumari Premium Salary Account3.76
Chhori Bachat Khata–  5.76
Kumari Gajjabko Bachat Khata1,000.003.76
Kumari Gajjab Bachat Khata1,000.005.76
Kumari Dhanabriddhi Bachat Khata15,000.003.76
Mission Rastra Gaurab Khata (R)1,000.005.76
LCY Call AccountUpto 1.88


Kumari Bank Limited Interest Rate on Fixed Deposit

Kumari Bank Limited Interest Rate on Individual Fixed Account

PeriodInterest % Per Annum
3 months 6.1
Above 3 months to below 6 months6.51
6 months to below 1 year 7.1
1 year and above7.51
Fixed Deposit Plus/Recurring (6 months to 3 years) 7.1

Kumari Bank Limited Interest Rate on Institutional Fixed Deposit Account

Period% Per Annum
6 months to below 1 year 5.1
1 year and above6.51

Kumari Bank Limited Interest Rate on FCY Deposit Accounts

FCY DepositCall deposit rate (% per annum) uptoSaving Deposit Rate (% per annum)Fixed Deposit Rate (% per annum) *
EUR 1.392.773.81
GBP 1.643.294.33
AUD 1.773.544.57
CAD 1.993.985.04


For other FCY Currencies/NRN FCY Fixed Deposit                  Available on request
Kumari Bank Limited Interest Rate on Loan Account
Floating Interest Rate on Loans
LendingPremium (% per annum) on Base Rate
Corporate 0.5 to 2.50
Agriculture Loan 0.5 to 2.00
MSME/ SME (Productive as per NRB)0.5 to 2.00
MSME/ SME (Others)1 to 3.00
Education Loan2.00 to 3.50
Deprived SectorUpto 2.00
Home Loan (Prime)Upto 2.00
Home Loan0.50 to 2.50
Personal Term Loan0.50 to 2.50
Personal Overdraft Loan2.5 to 3.50
Auto Loan (Private)1.5 to 3.50
Hire Purchase (Commercial)2.50 to 3.50
Real Estate2 to 3.50
Margin Lending1.25 to 3.25
Loan Against First Class Bank GuaranteesUpto 3.00
Loan Against Deposit of KBLCoupon rate + 2.00 or RABR + 0.25 whichever is higher
Loan Against Government SecuritiesCoupon rate + 2.00 or RABR + 0.25 whichever is higher
Other Loan2 to 3.5
Professional Loan3.00 to 3.5
FCY Denominated LoansAvailable on Request
FCY TR LoanAvailable on Request
Fixed Interest Rate on Loans
Types of LoanRate Fixed for Interest Rate Per Annum
For Home LoanUp to 7 Years10.29%
For Other Individual Term LoansUp to 7 Years11.29%
For SME/MSMEUp to 7 years10.59%
1.Terms and conditions for various savings deposits, fixed deposits, and loan against FD will be as per the prevailing bank rule.
2. Interest rate on consortium financing shall be as per consortium decision.                                                                                           
3. In case of any regulated loan, premium rates shall be applicable as per the circulars issued by NRB. 
4. For remit FD, bank can provide minimum 1% over published rate of respective currency.
5. Interest rate on the Akshayakosh deposit shall be negotiable.
6. For other information visit official website of Kumari Bank Limited
*3 months and above for individual & 6 months and above for institutions.